Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Well, I woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday. So I have an extra day. I bought new canvases the other day, so with luck I will be able to paint something. Must get the regular work out of the way first.

Today WWAO asked "What Does Art Mean to You?" This was my answer:
To me art is what I "am". Creating art is literally all I ever wantedto do, even as a small child. There were always other avenues I hadto take in the "real world" in order to pay bills, etc. but I wasalways an artist and always created........and now I am an artist! Art always gave me the outlet to express myself, regardless of what Iwas thinking or feeling. And to look at others' art is such aninspiration. To appreciate art is something that everyone in theworld should learn. It is as important as appreciating a sunrise orseeing your new baby in the moonlight. Art is another sense. It is"air". Art is a smile when things seem so gloomy. Art can transportyou to another place and let you realize new


jonnyspace said...

Hi, I enjoy Art
Visit me here > Art NewsBlog

Unknown said...

Hi I have a blog entry on WHAT IS ART? I hope you visit me